Tuesday, July 24, 2012

In Conclusion......

We know that what and how students learn in their early years of education impacts the rest of their learning years.  When looks at the importance of assessment in promoting lifelong learning for students we are able to draw parallels between the focus of primary, secondary and tertiary education assessments.  When one level of education leads to another we should ensure continuity across them all to ensure the skills that are developed are fostered and honed throughout student’s entire education, ensuring success throughout their educational live while providing the skills needed to promote success through their entire lives. 
The following speech by Sir Ken Robinson (YouTube. 2006) highlights the need for Authentic Assessment for promoting, preparing and providing learning for the future.  Robinson explains the importance for our society of replacing the industrial hierarchy method of education, providing todays’ students with learning opportunities that focus on promoting 21st century skill such as arts and technology, encouraging creativity and individually that are needed to ensure the growth and survival of our future.
YouTube. (2006). Sir Ken Robinson. Retrieved from                                                          http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ga2CYYCrtNE

1 comment:

  1. I agree Samara, that Authentic Assessment is very much about the learner and their learning style. As Educators we focus on Assessment first and how to link learning scenarios with the learner themselves. Differentiation allows us to plan and assess effectively for the individual learner. I also agree that the foundationary learning/education impacts students throughout their lifelong learning, much like building a wall. As a grade 6/7 teacher, I can see first hand gaps that have formed over the years that impact my learners. Filling the gaps is the hard part. With the new Explicit teaching demands of Education Queensland for Central Queensland schools, authentic assessment is a priority as it informs the learner why we are teaching the concepts, the real life impact or connection, and how this learning impacts the future. The lightbulb moments as students connect with their learning experiences is what all educators want to see, this is why assessment has to be....authentic and relevant.
    Thank you for sharing your thoughts,
    Tania Gudenswager
    Classroom Teacher,
    Anakie State School
